You don't attract WHAT you want…You attract WHO you are being
If you can't see what you want in your MIND, You won't have it in your HANDS.
This POTENT Daily 5 Minute Energy Alignment Activation is designed to help you RAPIDLY call in, manifest and fulfill your highest Purpose, Potential and Prosperity in a career and life you LOVE by guiding you to:
- Be the owner and Conscious Creator of your day
- Bring your vision of success into focus energetically, mentally, emotionally and physically every day
- Align your identity, energy, focus, and vibrational frequency to be a match consciously and subconsciously, with your highest purpose, potential and prosperity you are calling into your career and life
- Recognise and release any lingering negative energy, yours or others’ or limiting thoughts or blocks distracting you from your vision and purpose
- Visualise and step into the emotions of fulfilling your purpose impact and the life you desire letting it be your guide to consciously choose your focus and actions for the day
- Open yourself up to graciously receive abundance into every area of your life.
- And finally, with incredible, magnetic power, manifest the career and life you truly desire into your physical reality
When you don’t start your day like this, it crashes in on you the moment you roll over in bed to check your phone for messages and from that point it can be difficult to get your mindset, your energy and your focus back on your big picture, your true purpose and the vision for how you want your career and life to be.
The rest of your day tends to be filled then with whomever or whatever seems most pressing at the time and your energy and focus becomes a match to this.
Days,weeks, months or more can go past without giving focused attention and energy to creating what you really want your career and life to be like.
By adding this brief Energy Alignment Activation to your morning routine, you can get off that hamster wheel, regain control and reclaim your true self and state to become the owner and conscious creator of your day, your career and life.
Now there's obviously more to fulfilling your highest purpose potential and prosperity in a career and life you love. It’s what my own purpose and international coaching business is all about.
Did you know?
You don't attract What you want…
You attract Who you are being
If you can't see what you want in your mind
You won't have it in your hands.
- That’s why Energy Alignment & Visualisations are two POWERFUL tools to help you rapidly manifest the career and life you desire and
- Why this Energy Alignment Activation, which includes both, is such a potent ritual for you use daily.
Take ONE powerful step TODAY towards creating a career and life you LOVE, on your terms.
Access this powerful and FREE Daily 5 minute Energy Alignment Activation NOW